Harvest Festival
Bring your kids out to a free event. There will be games, candy, and much more! Hope to see you there!
Denair Academic Connection
We are offering free tutoring for children of all ages. We have qualified teachers who are volunteering to help children succeed in their studies. If you would like your child to be involved in our tutoring program, please contact the church office at (209) 634-7856 and we will give you more information to get your child involved.
Song Night
Join us for a night of singing! We encourage our members to bring a song to sing! Following the music, there will be a message from our Pastor!
Prayer and Donuts
Come join us for some sweet fellowship, donuts, and prayer before our morning service!
Modesto Gospel Mission
We help serve in the kitchen at the mission in order to encourage those in need!

Vacation Bible School
We will be hosting Vacation Bible School July 23rd to July 27th. Beginning at 6:30 pm and concluding around 8:30 pm each night. It is free and for all ages!

Movie Night
Every Friday in June we will be showing a movie in our church park. Free movie, free popcorn, and free ice cones! Bring a chair and a blanket! We begin at 8:30 PM
Youth Night
Come on out to enjoy our youth led worship service and program! There is a potluck following the services.
Prayer and Donuts!
Come join us for a time of prayer, fellowship and something sweet to eat to begin our morning of worship!
Golden Teens Bible Study
Come join our senior ladies as the study God's Word and fellowship together!
Church Anniversary Celebration
Our church will be celebrating its 61st year as an established New Testament Church. We would love for you to come out and celebrate with us with singing and a sermon!
Golden Teens Bible Study
Senior Ladies, please come join our Golden Teens Bible Study at the church every third Thursday of the month! Great fellowship and ministry opportunities!
Ladies Bible Study
Ladies of all ages are invited to come and study the Word of God together. This study is led by our Pastor's wife, Jenny Dornan. The ladies meet in the fellowship hall.
Youth Night
Our youth are planning a for a back to school themed service with music, devotional, food, and some fun and games! Come on out to support our youth and worship the Lord!
Prayer and Donuts
Come join us for a time of fellowship and prayer! Free donuts and coffee are provided!
Modesto Gospel Mission
We have the opportunity to serve the Lord by serving the men, women and children at the Modesto Gospel Mission. Please come and help us make a difference in someone else's life! To God be the glory!

Vacation Bible School
Join us for VBS! Each night will be filled with fun and learning! Times will be from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM each night!
Movie Night
Free Movie Night in the park next to our church. Free Popcorn and Snow Cones. Bring something to sit on like a blanket or chair!

Movie Night in the Park
Every Friday in June we will be having a movie night in the park next to the church starting at 8:30 pm.
Church 60th Anniversary
After the morning services we will be having a pot luck then proceeding to our celebration of our church's 60th anniversary!